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Need a boost for your company’s profile locally? Setting up an event and getting the attention of the local audience is what you must do. These small marketing events and other promotional events need some good management, there are many resources needed, place, time, tools, tables, chairs, setting up the stage and much more. At Ex3gen the event management is handled perfectly. We offer all kinds of services and we can handle all kinds of events, no matter it is some festival or some marketing event that the customers need to arrange.

We recommend that you get an event on some special ay, that can be attractive and that is how we help our customers. Getting attention on the pubic days is far easier than using the other business days for your events.

We can:

  • Design event layouts & maps
  • Design decorating themes
  • Develop and maintain exhibitor & vendor lists

We can also make arrangemetns for:

  • Exposition equipment & contractors
  • Tent & canopy rental companies
  • Design & display companies
  • Staging companies
  • Sound & lighting companies
  • Electrical service companies